February 06, 2015 2 min read 1 Comment

We've been very buys filling orders (thanks to you guys!) and we couldn't be more grateful. We're working day and night to get them all out, but as soon as we get a little caught up we'll be putting some new stuff in the shop we've been working on.

We've gotten alot of emails from people asking if we'd be offering the "potence" lamps we sold in the past, so I started thinking on a way to offer the same functionality with some "Otis lamp" engineering. I brought the rod brace down and back out to form a handle that curves up leveling out to a good hand reach. I simplified the top of the lamp with just one bend (rather than two) cleaning up the look a little I think. The bracket will also have a thumb screw to allow the lamp to be "locked" into a position. This one measures 48" long, and should be followed by longer versions and color options soon. It will be the same price as my old "potence" lamp was.



I've been working on a floor lamp for a while now and finally might be ready to put it up for sale. I had to come up with a way to make it sturdy, yet able to ship across the world. So I made the base collapsible, to where the whole lamp can fit in a flat cardboard box, shipped, and stood back up with a single set screw. It's also got an extending neck which can be adjusted from 36" to 54" tall.

The multifaceted wood planters will be back in the shop with a wall mount version as well (finally).

1 Response


December 26, 2015

la luce a piantana la trovo meravigliosa però non la trovo tra i prodotti acquistabili online …

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