August 18, 2011 2 min read

We drove up to LA last weekend to escape the Las Vegas heat (Torrance-70°, Las Vegas-108°) and on our way home, we stopped in Pasadena for the Rosebowl flea market. Our main goal was to find stuff for the wedding, which we did, but among other stuff. Roxy found a few tins and containers for center-pieces, tables, etc and I found a few numbers (maybe for save the dates or something) but we also found a few more things that weren't on the list but were too good of deals to turn down. Roxy picked up this striped rug up for $25, which is a pretty good deal compared to most rugs you see, especially this size and in this condition. I think this was the best find actually. I bought this cactus because I love it, it was almost three feet tall, and surprisingly only $8. It was a good investment too because people were clearing paths for me, with it sticking out of my cart. Finally, as we were walking out we passed this mid century walnut stereo console and started talking to the seller, who was a really nice guy. He said he was asking $150 but since it was the end of the day, he'd take $75 for it, plus the turntable wouldn't turn. We were both looking at it, thinking, when we discovered a new haggling strategy. Apparently just staring in silence can save you some money because he dropped it down to $55. It's in pretty good condition and well-built. AND it turns out the table DOES turn and actually plays vinyls. I just need to clean it up and try and get some scratches out, at the worst, I can re-veneer it. The coolest part is the pivoting solid-walnut louvers that conceal the speakers. We've got a little record collection already and it's perfect for the little "hang-out" room we're working on.

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