July 22, 2011 1 min read

I obtained twenty Herman Miller shell chairs a few years back (for an amazing deal), in an antique liquidation. I use some for our dining table, but I've always wanted a rocker. I know you can buy the rocker bases for as cheap as $60, but I just thought it would be fun to try and make it myself and I already had the materials to make it. I got lucky more than anything as far as the engineering and physics working out, not having an example to look at.


I really like the eiffel bases, but I wanted this to be more simplified underneath the chair. I cut the rocking feet out of a solid piece of teak on the band saw, sanded them and put a few coats of teak oil on them. The legs and base are made out of steel tubing welded to flat bar which I spray painted semi-gloss black.

I had fun making this thing and it totally works, even though everyone's scared to sit on it at first. Except the cat, she loves it (wink*).

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