June 26, 2011 1 min read

I decided to try and make another item for etsy since I opened my store a few weeks ago. I'm hoping I can bring in some extra money to help with the wedding. I had a few people ask if I was planning on selling any of my "scrapwood" furniture and I've noticed that alot of people are in need of credenzas and that they can be pretty expensive.

"Spice World" not included. I swear I have a fiance.

This is made out of random left over materials. The left side has adjustable shelving for components, and the right has a steel drawer for media with space underneath it for magazines, remotes, etc. I made the legs out of 1/2" steel tubing welded to flat bar. This is about the third credenza I've made so I tried a few things different on this one (check out the solid steel pull on the left, too rustic for ya? I kind of like it).


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