January 10, 2014 1 min read

If you haven't noticed yet, the shop is all new. New layout and new products. We've got a bunch of new options for existing stuff and completely new things as well.

The Roxy chairs are now available in variety of Pendleton fabrics! We have been experimenting with this for our own chairs and decided to share the option with you guys! Some of the fabric we have available is out of production so it won't last forever but we will continue to try out new patterns.


We've finally got the wood-veneered string lights available in the shop. These are hand-veneered, sanded and finished with real wood veneer with Oak, Walnut, Rosewood, Teak and Cherry. We mix up the woods in an order that we think best balances out. They come in 10' and 15' lengths just as the brass string lights with the short and long male plug options. These cost a little more than the brass string lights because they are pretty tedious!

The wall storage cabinets now have the swing lamp option which drops right down through the cabinet. There's a brass stop with a thumb screw that allow the lamp to be easily adjusted up and down. The wood veneered socket matches the cabinet depending on the species. You can order it with the lamp on the left or right side of the cabinet.


Anyways, I hope you guys like the new store and things we've added to it. Have fun looking around!!


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