July 03, 2011 2 min read

 I've been really busy lately, but I was looking through some original photos of the house and thought I'd share. Even though there is still a ton of stuff we want to do on it, it's come along way. I wish I had taken more progress photos along the way. When we bought this house, it could not pass inspections for any of the "roughs". We had to run electrical, water lines, lay flooring, hang drywall, rebuild walls, etc. Here is what we were up against.... and also why we loved this house....

The house sat out here in the desert with no roof, for over a year. Which is why the walls were so damaged and why we found tarantulas and scorpions in the walls, seriously, no exaggeration.

Look at that kitchen, it had potential.... it just needed walls, cabinets, a floor, lighting, outlets, appliances....

At least there were a few piles of new drywall and doors laying around. Check out that orange plastic sprinkler pipe, the original builder was planning on building a wood cover over it- we ripped it out and ran steel pipe, commercial style.

I spent alot of time at the city tracking down old plans, renewing permits, scheduling inspections and jumping through plenty of other hoops before I could even start to work on the house. It took me almost two years to get the house to the point where we could move in, with help from my dad, friends, Roxy and YouTube (people are brutal on those tutorial video comments btw, come on, that's someone's dad). We learned alot of new things and really had fun making this into a house we could live in that was so different, at least where we live. In fact, it was too different for the area to get a bank loan, which is why we covered the outside in siding. At least we didn't spray heavy textured stucco over it, like the appraiser suggested.

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